
貝瑪林巴伏藏王 – 十一世意化身 轉世認證公告






現今之第十一世語化身 - 吉哲昆桑多傑以及丹心·拉隆寺、札昧哲·鄔金確林根本道場之全體僧眾共同認證,於此釋迦勝者吉祥之天降日,善好祥瑞齊俱之吉時,再一次公告,祈望所有傳承弟子如所週知,吾等上師 - 第九世身化身·昆桑貝瑪南傑 以及 空行 - 索南拉姆之幼子,名為鄔金·喀恰南傑,已確認為第十一世意化身之無誤轉世化身,封號為 貝林意化身第十一世 - 阿旺特秋卻幾杰參(語自在 勝乘 正法之尊勝幢)!



第十一世語化身 - 吉哲昆桑多傑寫於不丹曆之水陰兔年九月二十二日,西元2023年11月4日。


台灣智慧輪 恭譯




Sharing the auspicious letter from the 11th Pedling, Kyabje Sungtrul Rinpoche, in recognition of the 11th Pedling Thukse Rinpoche.

“To all the followers of the Pema Lingpa Lineage, and particularly to those who hold deep faith in His Holiness the 10th Pedling Thukse Thekchok Tenpai Gyeltshen,

We have awaited the rebirth of His Holiness the 10th Pedling Thukse Thekchok Tenpai Gyeltshen with an anticipation akin to a thirsty man awaiting water for a full decade. Finally, in accordance with the vision and recognition of His Eminence Sakya Gongma Rinpoche (Sakya Trizin Ngawang Kunga), the 11th Thukse Rinpoche, Ugyen Khachab Namgyel, has been born to Father Jigme Gyeltshen (the 9th Gangteng Tulku Rinpoche Kuenzang Rigdzin Pema Namgyel) and Mother Sonam Lhamo. Moreover, His name has been graciously bestowed by Sakya Gongma himself as Ngawang Thekchok Choke Gyeltshen. He has been rightfully acknowledged as the undisputed incarnation of the 10th Thukse Rinpoche.

The young Tulku has received formal recognition and blessings from the Je Khenpo (Head Abbot of Bhutan), as well as the spiritual monastic community of Tamzhing Lhalung Dratsang, his primary seat and monastery. Additionally, the monastic community of Drametse Thekchok Namdrol Ugyen Choeling Monastery has respectfully and joyfully affirmed the young Tulku as the unmistakable reincarnation of the 10th Thukse.

I, the 11th Pedling, Jigdrel Kunzang Pema Dorji, pen this elated letter to all the faithful ones on the 22nd day of the 9th month in the Year of the Water Female Rabbit in the Bhutanese calendar corresponding to the auspicious day, "the Descending Day of Lord Buddha.”