
2024年2月 歲末威猛除障法會
Year-End Obstacle Removing Puja

2024/2/8 於不丹崗頂佛學院,如崗頂法王囑咐般,佛學院院長-堪布僧給帶領全體僧眾,從早上7:30開始修法,直至晚間18:30,經歷11小時圓滿亞洲智慧輪請法之「歲末除障大法會」。







亞洲智慧輪 敬獻祝禱 2024/02/09

Today, the Asia Yeshe Khorlo Ningmapa Buddhist Center generously sponsored the expenses for a day-long ritual. As their traditional new year approaches, it's their custom to perform a ritual to overcome obstacles and misfortunes in the coming year. With their contribution, we conducted the following rituals for the benefit of the world and particularly Bhutan, and also for the long life of our Rinpoche and the prosperity of the sponsors throughout the year.

Under the guidance of Khenpo Singye Dorji, approximately 250 monks participated in the Pedling Goenpo Deygyed Solkha, Sher-Nying Dued-Dok prayer (reversing demons through the Heart Sutra), Thuen-sum, and Duen-zur in the main temple. Thuen-sum and Duen-zur are years calculated as the third and seventh from the current year, believed to bring many obstacles according to traditional astrology.

At the Mentse Temple, we offered the Drolma Yuldhog Puja and Mekha Prayer. Drolma Yuldhog is a Tara Puja performed to remove every kind of obstacle, while the Mekha Prayer wards off misfortunes caused by people talking behind you.

In the Tshengyed Temple, we performed the Gyab-zhe and Sago-Namgo ritual. Gyab-zhi involves Four Sets of Hundred Offerings, a liturgy of sending ransoms to four evil spirits by offering four hundred offerings to the Buddha. Sago-Namgo refers to misfortunes calculated throughout the year, which we aim to avoid through this ritual.

May these prayers bring happiness to everyone around the world.