
2025年度 五大本尊點燈圓滿.功德芳名錄
Benefactors of Five Main Yidams Light Offering

Due to privacy concerns, the 2nd word of your name has been replaced with O.


1.伏藏 大悲闇盡明燈紅觀音 Avalokiteshvara
This practice removes all suffering and obstacles, benefiting countless beings across the three realms, fulfilling wishes like a wish-fulfilling jewel, and dispelling all hindrances like rays of light banishing darkness.

黃O洵, 朱O卿, Huichun O, 陈O, 徐O娟, 黃O琳, 林O如, 布O, 林O宜, 陈O姗, 王O军, 楼O春, 孙O玲, 鄭O佑, 鄭O杉, 鄭O位, 鄭O恩, 鄭O義, 孫O鳳, 項O華, Celina O & Family, 刘O平, 徐O宇阖家, 黃O展, 胡O钧, 胡O雯, 劉O希, 范O美。


2. 文殊菩薩 Manjushri
Whether one seeks the supreme wisdom of prajna or the dispelling of worldly ignorance, Manjushri represents the essence of all wisdom.

姜O元, 莫O恩, 宋O芳, 尹O慧, 释O净, 黃O琳, 陈O列, 陈O勋, 柳O铤, 李O, 许O祐, 陈O姗, 王O军, 劉O希, 丁O昌, 陈O隽, 陈O译, 吴O欣, 罗O泽, 林O穎, 明O, 王O言, 鄭O恩, 鄭O杉, 林O峯, 潘O熙。


3. 伏藏 咕嚕咕勒佛母(蓮華空行作明力佛母) Kurukulle
消除魔障.子女財富、人緣情感 、事業圓滿
The scriptures state: "It gathers virtues from all directions, destroys opponents' views, and increases all qualities." This practice fulfills all wishes, bringing unimaginable benefits, eliminating all obstacles and demonic hindrances. It particularly grants the fulfillment of personal desires—whether for children, wealth, relationships, or success in business.

宋O齊, 秦O杨, 释O净, 黃O琳, 柳O苗, 沈O娜, 陈O姗, 王O军, 劉O希, 丁O昌, 许O, 曾O凱, 林O亨, 許O鈞, 林O伶, 释O智, 释O真, 姚O坚, 姚O兰, 姚O琴闔家, 陳O嫻闔家, Lam O Cheung, 郭O良闔家, 施O, 鄭O闔家, 徐O宇阖家, 陳O哲Matt O, 陳O豪BRIAND O, Lebrilla O Valerie O, 呂O諭。


4. 鄔金藥師  Ugyen Medicine Buddha
Guru Rinpoche, as Ugyen Medicine Buddha, purifies all sins and ensures beings do not fall into lower realms. They will attain higher rebirth and eventually liberation. In this life, one can enjoy abundance, health, longevity, and freedom from negative forces.

朱O芳, 莫O新, 莫O怡, 莫O和, 吳O, 宋O芳, 周O淵, 朱O禧, 杜O祥, 逢O昌, 吴O玮, 张O华阖家, 释O净, 王O燕, 柳O萍, 林O妤, 高O浩, 陈O姗阖家, 王O军, 劉O希, 丁O昌, 林O, 李O欣, 陳O水阖家, 郭O芬, 曾O華阖家, 林O伶, 吴O萍, 陳O華闔家, 范O秀, 詹O素美, 崔O姬闔家, 周O淵, 林O美, 江O佩, 鄭O義, 孫O鳳, 項O華, 施O, 徐O宇阖家, 呂O民 鄭O君闔家, 胡O浩, 李O梅, 巫O娟, 劉O希, 丁O昌, 曾O瑤, O珮安蕙美, 陳O杰, 陳O銘。


5. 伏藏 極密紅財寶天王(多聞天王) Red Dzambhala
The protectors of the Peling lineage are known for their immense power, acknowledged by all accomplished practitioners in Bhutan. This wealth deity is also part of the Great Treasure Reveals, bringing the swift accomplishment of wealth and success in worldly endeavors, while also accumulating merit and wisdom.

柳O任, 沛O科技股份有限公司, 金O科技股份有限公司, 陈O, 慈O庸全家, 譚O瑛, 陈O新, 柳O成, 柳O亦, 楊O勇, 李O, 陈O姗, 王O军, 劉O希, 丁O昌, 陈O文, 陈O红, 踅O汉, 庞O石, Yvonne O, 鄭O義, 孫O鳳, 蔣O琳。


祝願迅速破除迷亂障礙,開啟甚深智慧,子女財富、人緣情感 、事業圓滿,福德智慧增長,現前證悟二諦。

Lamp offering period: 1 January 2025 to 31 December 2025.