Teachings on the “Maha Guru Prayer”

教授上師|貝瑪林巴身化身轉世 第九世崗頂法王

Vajra Master: Kyabje Gangteng Tulku Rinpoche
Date: 14 – 16 July 2024 (Sun to Tue)
Taipei Time: 7:30 pm - 9:30 pm
Bhutan Time: 5:30 pm - 7:30 pm

(English below)




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2. 截止日期:2024/7/13 (六) 20:00《為有效作業請儘早提交》
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The "Maha Guru Prayer" (Yeshe Tsogyal’s Prayer To Guru Rinpoche As He Left Tibet) is one of the profound termas of Pema Lingpa. Although it is called a prayer, it actually encapsulates the ultimate essence of all sutra and tantra teachings. It includes the complete path of both exoteric and esoteric practices, featuring Guru Yoga, and offers benefits such as averting obstacles, fulfilling activities, increasing wisdom, and attaining happiness.
Reciting this prayer as a supplication brings the highest blessings; practicing it leads to extraordinary and common achievements. As a Guru Yoga practice, it is a swift path to achieving the ultimate state of Buddhahood, with benefits and merits that are indescribable.
On this auspicious Monkey Month and Monkey Day, it is our great fortune to receive such concise yet profound teachings from Rinpoche. We thus warmly invite everyone to attend this Dharma teaching.
Course Support Fees
Students in General: NT$2,000 (Taiwanese currency)
Monastics: NT$1,200 (Taiwanese currency)

For Those in Need of Financial Assistance:
Please email the organiser (yeshekhorlo@gmail.com) to apply. Once approved, you can proceed with registration.

1. The currency will automatically convert to other countries' currencies based on the selected "payment currency."
2. Deadline: 13 July 2024 (Saturday) 8pm. Please submit as early as possible for processing.

亞洲智慧輪 誠摯邀請
Yeshe Khorlo Asia

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