2025年度 五大本尊 開放點燈
Five Main Yidams Light Offering (2025)

點燈之利益 Benefits of Light Offering


中心供有大悲闇盡明燈紅觀音、文殊菩薩、咕嚕咕勒佛母、鄔金藥師、紅財寶天王,共五大本尊,皆以含金量99.9%金箔之佛像,提供法友一整年點燈供奉,迅速破除迷亂障礙,開啟甚深智慧,子女財富、人緣情感 、事業圓滿,福德智慧增長,現前證悟二諦。

Lamps symbolize wisdom and brightness. The Infinite Life Sutra says, "The lamp is the light of the world, the supreme field of merit for humankind." Similarly, the Avatamsaka Sutra states, "The lamp of wisdom can dispel all darkness." Lighting lamps as offerings to the Buddhas is a powerful method for accumulating merit and unlocking wisdom, and its benefits are beyond description.
The center offers the opportunity to make lamp offerings to five primary deities: Avalokiteshvara in his Great Compassion Lamp Dispelling All Darkness form, Manjushri, Kurukulle, Padmasambhava in his Medicine Buddha form, and Red Zambhala. These deities are represented by statues made of 99.9% pure gold foil, and they are available for an entire year of lamp offerings. Such offerings swiftly eliminate confusion and obstacles, awaken profound wisdom, and bring about blessings in areas such as wealth, relationships, career fulfillment, and the enhancement of both merit and wisdom, ultimately leading to the realization of the two truths.



1.伏藏 大悲闇盡明燈紅觀音 Avalokiteshvara
(限16盞/16 Lamps available)
此尊屬無上密阿底瑜珈之紅觀音,為大伏藏王貝瑪林巴尊者所取出之「觀音成就法」伏藏,儀軌記載大悲闇盡明燈紅觀音功德:遍消六道苦痛暗,大悲事業光無盡,明曜正法摩尼珠,勝乘興隆越空際。 此觀音法門能消除一切眾生痛苦黑暗,給予三界有情無邊利樂,如如意寶珠能滿一切願,亦如光芒能破一切違緣障難黑暗。

This Red Avalokiteshvara belongs to the Unsurpassed Ati Yoga and is a revealed treasure (terma) of the great terton Pema Lingpa's "Avalokiteshvara Accomplishment Practice." The ritual text describes the profound benefits of the Great Compassionate Red Avalokiteshvara: "Dispelling the suffering and darkness of the six realms, the infinite light of compassionate activity shines forth, illuminating the gem of the true Dharma, and elevating the supreme path beyond the sky." This practice removes all suffering and obstacles, benefiting countless beings across the three realms, fulfilling wishes like a wish-fulfilling jewel, and dispelling all hindrances like rays of light banishing darkness.


2. 文殊菩薩 Manjushri
(限32盞/32 Lamps available)

It is well known that Manjushri embodies the wisdom of all Buddhas. This wisdom refers to the realization of both ultimate and conventional truths. Whether one seeks the supreme wisdom of prajna or the dispelling of worldly ignorance, Manjushri represents the essence of all wisdom.


伏藏 咕嚕咕勒佛母(蓮華空行作明力佛母) Kurukulle
(限40盞/40 Lamps available)
消除魔障.子女財富、人緣情感 、事業圓滿

This Lotus Dakini Kurukulle originates from Rongzom Pandita's lineage. It was directly revealed to Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche in a pure vision of Rongzom Pandita, making it a close pure vision treasure of his lineage. Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche transmitted this teaching to Gangteng Tulku Rinpoche, the holder of the Bhutanese Pema Lingpa lineage. With fewer than three generations passing, the blessings are extremely potent, and realization comes swiftly.
The scriptures state: "It gathers virtues from all directions, destroys opponents' views, and increases all qualities." This practice fulfills all wishes, bringing unimaginable benefits, eliminating all obstacles and demonic hindrances. It particularly grants the fulfillment of personal desires—whether for children, wealth, relationships, or success in business.



3. 鄔金藥師  Ugyen Medicine Buddha
(限32盞/32 Lamps available)

Guru Rinpoche manifested as Ugyen Medicine Buddha, inseparable from the Medicine Buddha of Lapis Lazuli Light, to purify the illnesses and obstacles caused by the three poisons afflicting beings in this degenerate age.  During such times, where the five poisons rage and material desires abound, causing various diseases and shortened lifespans, conventional medicines often fail. Guru Rinpoche, as Ugyen Medicine Buddha, purifies all sins and ensures beings do not fall into lower realms. They will attain higher rebirth and eventually liberation. In this life, one can enjoy abundance, health, longevity, and freedom from negative forces.


4. 伏藏 極密紅財寶天王(多聞天王) Red Dzambhala
(限40盞/40 Lamps available)

The Red Dzambhala (Vaisravana) of the Peling tradition is a unique treasure lineage deity. While the usual Vaisravana is yellow, symbolizing the increase of wealth and success, the Peling tradition’s Red Dzambhala not only increases wealth but also enhances influence and activities of magnetizing. With three eyes, this deity represents the realization of profound primordial wisdom. He swiftly grants the fulfillment of all beings' desires and is one of the nine main protectors exclusive to the Peling tradition.
The protectors of the Peling lineage are known for their immense power, acknowledged by all accomplished practitioners in Bhutan. This wealth deity is also part of the Great Treasure Reveals, bringing the swift accomplishment of wealth and success in worldly endeavors, while also accumulating merit and wisdom.

點燈說明 Details

The annual lamp offering for each yidam is NT$3,600.
You may dedicate one name per lamp for blessings, and multiple lamps can be offered per person.
Limited availability, register early.

Lamp offering period: 1 January 2025 to 31 December 2025.