Wealth Attraction and Obstacles Removal Puja

日期:2024/11/01 (五)



《金光明最勝王經》梵文為Suvarna- prabhasa,乃著名之經中之王,在開闡如來秘密心髓、懺悔業障、聚積資糧、招財求福、護國利民等方面具有強大的殊勝功德,此經自古在釋迦族深受重視,被視為九部大經之一,在日本更被列入『鎮護國家三經』之一。 佛說此諷誦此經能滅一切罪、感招一切吉祥、除一切怖畏、延壽生機、恢復氣力、消除不和睦、抵禦一切傷害、招財補庫、化解破財損耗,有諸多不可思議功德,是諸佛之行境,一切十方諸佛所共讚嘆,是極為靈驗之經典。


止訟息災法 此經深受藏傳佛教所重視,是極為靈驗之消災經典,佛說此經能解除一切王難、刑害、爭訟、官非、口角、鬥爭等違緣,亦能破除一切太歲、月破、日破等不吉祥,更能償還近親冤債主之虧欠、解除他方惡意詛咒、巫蠱等陷害。


除障法 蓮師乃一切諸佛總體之事業展現,更是作為上師及善知識饒益後世有情之大悲化身,此乃蓮師威力之伏藏,能消除外、內、秘密之一切違緣、障礙,特別是消除修行者菩提道上之違緣、並賜予所願之成就!


即日起~2024/10/30 12:00截止

Wealth Attraction and Obstacles Removal Puja
Presiding Master: Head of Gangteng Shedra & Vajra Dorje
Location: Gangteng Monastery, Bhutan
Date: 2024/11/01

This grand Dharma assembly focuses on four main practices: attracting wealth, pacifying disasters, ending legal disputes, and removing obstacles. It combines powerful rituals and mantras to help participants overcome challenges, eliminate negative influences, and achieve success in their worldly and spiritual endeavors. Through this event, participants can receive blessings for prosperity, health, and protection, while also addressing personal and legal difficulties. 

1. “Golden Light Sutra” for Wealth and Fortune
The Suvarna-prabhasa (Golden Light Sutra) is known as the "King of Sutras" for its power in accumulating merit, eliminating obstacles, attracting wealth, and benefiting society. Revered as one of the Nine Great Sutras, it is praised for granting prosperity, warding off fear, restoring health, and preventing financial losses.

2. Cessation of Disputes Dharani and Repelling Gossip and Legal Disputes Dharani 
These practices aim to resolve disputes, prevent legal issues, remove bad luck from astrological influences, and shield against harm and curses. They are highly regarded in Tibetan Buddhism for their effectiveness in overcoming such obstacles.

3. Guru Rinpoche's Prayer for Removing Obstacles
A treasure teaching (terma) of Guru Rinpoche (Padmasambhava) to remove external, internal, and secret obstacles on the path to enlightenment, ensuring practitioners’ progress and success in their spiritual endeavors.

Wealth Blessing&Disaster & Disputes Prevention Tablets:
  • Individual: NT$300
  • Family: NT$500
Registration Period
Now until 30 October 30 2024, 12:00 PM